On the way - meet us!


You can meet me!

If we are traveling, whether for business or pleasure, it is possible to meet.
Of course we can never bring our entire range, but greater choice is not a problem.
If you tell us which products you are interested, we can arrange to meet us and bring a few copies.
You can also ask whether we come from. If for example have a few more people interested in our products, we can also arrange a meeting just anyway.

Below, we listen to when we'll be somewhere.

We look forward to meeting you!


Malawerkstatt / Malafactory: Inhaberin Nic. Pscheidt

Schopenhauerstr. 9, 85579 Neubiberg bei München
Mobil: 0049 170 7755575
E-Mail: info@malawerkstatt.de