Tara Meditation Incense

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Lieferzeit: 2- 5 Tage**


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Tara Meditation Incense.

Eine Packung dieser tibetischen Räucherstäbchen beinhaltet ca. 30 Stäbchen mit einer Länge von ca. 18cm.

DieseTibetischen Räucherstäbchen wurden in Nepal hergestellt und von Hand gerollt.

Packungsbeschreibung: Tara Meditation Incense contains the famous six superlative non-toxic ingredients and very natrural scented substances such as white sandal an Myristica fragrans etc. that protect and purify the physical organs and innervital energies, clean the chakras and channels and especially balance the mind and promote the meditation and spiritual development. The incense is made from pure natural substances and has a natural color. It is free from any synthetic substances and perfumes. This formula has been selected by Dr. Pasang Y. Arya and prepared according to his instructions.

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Tibetan Incense, Incense / Räucherstäbchen